If you ever felt you don't belong to any groups, feel alone in a room full of people or there's something missing in you, welcome to my world. I'm Mihai Muscan, the vampire king.
A combination of 2 japanese words: KURO - Black, and CHI - Blood.
I created Kurochi for the simple fact that you can be who you want to be and don't try to fit into something that somebody else wants you to be. Hard to believe, hell it was hard believing it myself for the longest time. But you know what? I was thinking all the bad things about myself, thoughts about the past, the future, thoughts about what could have been, should have been, anxiety going to the roof to please people so I would feel good about myself from outside sources. Where in reality, the only place I was afraid to take the time to understand was patiently waiting deep inside. And so I did, and what I painfully but necessary realized is that, nobody but yourself can cure what you are missing inside. It's not Them, or him, or her or that or this. It's I. This brand is a statement that being yourself is all that you can do, all that you have to do. And I'm there with you. This is what it means to be Kurochi, to have the Black Blood, this is what it means to be Unafraid to be human.
Dark, obscure, cinematic as fuck, always artist driven and meaningful shit, this is who I am, what I stand by and what I'd go over the mountains for. There are many things to talk about, many things to do to stop thinking that there is something wrong with us. And start realizing we are perfectly imperfect.
The world is as much as you wanna make it.
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